Sugar Glider
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Join date : 2023-02-07

Can Sugar Glider Eat Flowers? Empty Can Sugar Glider Eat Flowers?

Tue Feb 07, 2023 11:54 am
If you are considering bringing home a sugar glider, it is important to know what you can and cannot feed them. While some plants are safe for them, others are toxic, so it is best to consult your veterinarian before giving them any plant.

The Right Food:
In the wild, sugar gliders eat nectar and sap from trees as well as fruits, nuts, insects, and small birds or rodents. A diet rich in calcium is essential to their growth and health, but it is also necessary to provide a balanced diet of both fruit and insect food.

Cage Plants:
Your sugar glider cage needs to have a variety of plants that are reminiscent of their natural habitat in the wild, including leaves, vines, and branches. Make sure to pick plants that are not toxic for your sugar glider, as certain types of plants can cause lung irritation and other problems for these exotic pets.

Cage Accessories:
A sugar glider cage should be filled with a variety of objects for them to climb on, chew on, and play with. These include branches, leaves, feathers, and toys.

Toys that your sugar gliders can climb on are a must have for their enjoyment, but you can also add things like toy wheels and bird swings to the cage. It is also a good idea to keep a water dish or bottle in the cage, as sugar gliders need to drink often to stay healthy and well-hydrated.
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